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Friday, May 24, 2019

How is high uric acid caused? How to prevent it?

How is high uric acid caused? How to prevent it?

Uric acid is a waste generated in the metabolism of cells in the human body, and uric acid can also be decomposed from the cockroaches in food. Long-term consumption of foods with high levels of sputum and long-term drinking are the causes of increased uric acid. Most of the uric acid is excreted through the kidneys. If kidney disease is caused by kidney disease, uric acid is deposited in the body, and the concentration of blood uric acid increases, resulting in a series of diseases.

Causes of increased uric acid

1. The intake is too high

Uric acid is a direct product of strontium, while a rod-shaped crystal is mainly found in foods, and its alcoholic form is weakly acidic.嘌呤 It will only become uric acid after oxidative metabolism of the liver, and the production and excretion of cockroaches are about equal. Long-term intake of higher sputum foods is an external cause of increased uric acid. If too much is produced or excreted, uric acid stays in the body, which can lead to an increase in uric acid levels in the blood.

2. Disease causes

People with high blood pressure, high blood fat, and high blood sugar are prone to high uric acid. Hyperuricemia, like the three high populations, can cause damage to many organs and tissues throughout the body. And urate crystals can damage islet cells, and also reduce the body's sensitivity to insulin, leading to an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

3. Lack of moisture in the body

Long-term lack of water, resulting in lack of water in the body, will cause the secretion of anti-diuretic hormone, so that uric acid increased in a short time.

4. Drug abuse

Blind medication can also cause a sharp increase in uric acid levels.
A large amount of uric acid is deposited in the renal tubules, which can cause urinary tract obstruction. The urinary tract obstruction is easy to breed bacterial ascending infection, leading to acute and chronic uric acid nephropathy and urolithiasis. Uric acid crystals are deposited in the joint cavity and can induce gouty arthritis. Gout recurring, forming tophi, causing bone destruction and deformity of the joints.

Lowering blood uric acid can reduce the risk of developing chronic kidney disease in the future. Controlling uric acid, in addition to preventing the occurrence of gout, can also delay the deterioration of kidney function. Gout is not only a joint pain, but also a warning message to the long-term bad living conditions of modern people.

Actively do the following in life, have a certain effect on preventing excessive uric acid value.

1. Drink plenty of water to help excretion of uric acid.

2. High protein foods are prone to increase uric acid levels. Therefore, high foods such as animal offal, fish and shrimp, beef and mutton can be avoided.

3. Avoid excessive drinking, drink less coffee, tea, etc. Alcohol is metabolized in the body to produce lactic acid, which causes gout attacks.

4. Avoid greasy food. Excessive fat can inhibit the excretion of uric acid and aggravate the symptoms of gout.

5. Proper aerobic exercise to reduce weight, can effectively control the high uric acid value.

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