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Monday, May 27, 2019

How to increase mass. How to increase muscle mass

How to increase mass. How to increase muscle mass

How do men gain weight?
Women always preferred strong men! And modern women are no exception! Who would want a thin person who can not protect his cardiac mania? Sometimes the question of how to increase a person's weight becomes an unanswerable task for many who have failed genetics. Yes, unfortunately, it is natural, nature can forsake its own way, someone can gain weight without problems and no one gets it. Despite all that effort.

The male body is designed to be able to process and assimilate more food than women, and in sufficient ways to achieve higher body weight than women without intensive training. In short, if a woman needs to relax a little and increase calories, she will accumulate instantly in the form of body fat in the waist, abdomen and thighs. At this time, males are not growing larger body fat, but more uniform weight gain. top. This rule applies to people who are healthy and fair.

Our beloved man, you want to get an outstanding boomer or round shoulder, rather, it is about getting muscle mass. Of course, many people are immediately running and waiting for a few hours. Give the gym a miraculous "scene for a set" or listen to the pumped friend of a dubious person. Sports nutrition. Such "helper" is used almost everywhere. I do not think you need to mention the "amateur chemist" professional site and other public information.

If your goal is to increase your weight quickly, it is worth considering that the weight gain of men and women is largely dependent on genetics and mode.

For men, muscle mass is the first rule! This is like a "storage point" because you simply can not give anything by absorbing calories. Calories are coming and going.

If you sleep for 8 to 9 hours a day, you can not get the weekly rest, load replacement, proper nutrition (like most men, if you eat 1-2 minutes a day, a few minutes of food, you can not get muscle mass. Massive parts are not well absorbed and muscles will starve to death.) And separate training - best friends.

Here we will talk more about nutrition:
Discard semi-finished products. It is important to use high quality protein. At least two servings of meat or fish should have 2-3 servings of egg whites and 5-9% fat daily at the table. The meal interval is about 3 hours.

Weight gain due to increased muscle mass is due to training in the gym (more than three times a week the duration of the exercise should be about 40-45 minutes) and you should consume enough carbohydrates, fat and useful micro-elements Vitamins, amino acids and L-glutamine. Drink water at least 2 liter daily. You can drink protein and protein cocktails before you go to sleep.

The most effective additive muscle mass is creatine and glutamine. Creatine increases endurance and muscle energy, and glutamine improves the immune system and strengthens defense. This supplement specialist is recommended to take with high carbohydrate drinks after training. It is a good idea to ask your trainer for help. The trainer tells you how to get the workout right so it does not harm you.

Limit the consumption of foods rich in animals and other saturated fats (fat, lard, margarine, butter, sausage, etc.). Because the body mainly uses carbohydrates for muscle growth and energy production, most of the fat in excess of nutrients is accumulated in fat cells (fat cells).

Avoid ingestion of hard (baked goods, bakery products - the most dangerous fast carbohydrates), less dangerous (such as baked goods, sweet fruit). Fast carbohydrates can be absorbed very quickly from the digestive tract. As a result, the sugar content of blood increases sharply. As a result, the body converts glucose to fat.

Fast carbohydrates can be taken after training, when muscles and other organs can quickly utilize glucose, and increase insulin secretion, an important muscle-strengthening hormone for muscle strengthening.

Partial power:
When muscle mass is collected, the amount of food should be about the same, but in the first half of the month before 4 pm, about 70% of all food should be consumed.

Do not eat sweet or fat at night. The food you eat is easy to absorb and rich in protein and is suitable for dairy, vegetables (beans and other), poultry meat, salads, eggs and fish for this purpose.

Pre-training food:
Eating before exercise (2 hours before the start of exercise). For this purpose, products containing low carbohydrates such as cereals, flour, and vegetables are good. Pre-training carbohydrates are needed to load glycogen stores and provide energy to muscles and brains during training.

Food after exercise:
The most extensive meal should be 20-30 minutes after training and should be 1-1.5 hours after training if you are eating carbohydrate protein cocktail (geyner) shortly after training. Include foods rich in protein and slow carbohydrates. You can eat small amounts. Fast carbohydrates (sweet). After training, the so-called protein-carbohydrate window opens, during which time the body absorbs many nutrients are used to restore muscle and supplement energy.

Muscle mass begins to grow only when the amount of energy entering the food form exceeds the amount of energy consumed by the body. Also, the body must always try to maintain homeostasis, so you can increase the calorie content of your diet by 5, 10, and even 30% while your weight remains unchanged! Sometimes you need to increase your daily caloric intake by 50% or 100% to move the mass from the "dead point"!

You need to follow simple techniques to determine the amount of food you need to gain muscle mass.

Gradually increase calorie intake until weight gain starts at 600-800 g per week. The smaller the increase, the more you need to eat, and vice versa.

To do this, you must weigh your weight at least once every three days. Within a month you can adjust your speed. Do not exceed more than 800 grams per week. Otherwise your body will begin to peel off a lot!

What are the menus that are needed to gain muscle mass, nevertheless? Let's take a closer look.

Protein products:
1. Meat - low fat. Poultry meat is preferred because it is easily digested without actually containing fat.

2. Fish and other seafood. Fish can eat anything, including fat.

3. Dairy products. Prefer low-fat foods. The most popular are cottage cheese, cheese, kefir, milk and yogurt.

Carbohydrate products:

1. Grain products:

Cassie. Spores contain slowly digestible carbohydrates, proteins, trace elements and vitamins. The healthiest grains: buckwheat, pearl barley, oatmeal, rice, millet, corn, wheat.
Macaroni and noodles. Prefer products made from thick wheat and durum wheat.
Bread Mainly eats black bread.
Cereal and muesli can vary the menu.

2. Vegetables and mushrooms:

The most popular vegetables are potatoes. From it you can cook more than 100 dishes. The potato contains a lot of starch and is slowly absorbed. Unfortunately, to avoid digestive problems, the amount of vegetables must be limited. Mushrooms are popular as a product in general, but they are very useful.


Pistachios, walnuts, hazelnuts, apricot seeds, peanuts, etc.

4. Fruits and vegetables.

Extremely Healthy Products Contains many vitamins and minerals. However, fruits have many simple sugars and great content fibers can be overloaded in the digestive system. Banana and mango are best absorbed.

It is necessary to use a small amount of vegetable oil as an important source of fat seafood.

Many people think you are engaged in more holes, you can get the weight of the muscle (pumping) quickly, you want the painter, but this is not true ubezhdenie.Tak you can lose more weight on the contrary! You do not have time to recover your body, strong physical activity and you get tired! How to make a muscle lump? For a set of muscle lumps, go to the gym three times a week, and two times better if the genetics are bad!

For example, once on Monday and once on Thursday. When you go to the gym, you must have a good job (100% committed)! 50-70 minutes in the true sense of the word is not needed anymore, the training should be very intense but not long. To gain muscle mass, you must have a proper training program and include it in your program. On the weight set you need to do 6 to 8 reps, no more!

After exercise, the body is very exhausted, the process of catabolism began to eat, the body itself restored "to use for their use as an amino acid protein (muscle) to decompose and began to use, all the reserves of glycogen in the muscle immediately Carbohydrates (fast) need to eat fuel ". The next two days you should eat a lot and rest, you can not do manual labor. Your muscles grow at this time, so you do not need to load your muscles with physical strength, as some do.

You need to eat lots of foods that contain natural protein protein: cheese, milk, cheese, eggs, meat fat, fish), but no more than 20 to 30 grams of dietary protein. Because I will not learn more and more! If you eat at one more time, the rest will go to the toilet, present gift products and transfer your money.

Just as you recommend carbohydrates, you need to eat lots of carbohydrates to get muscle mass: buckwheat, oatmeal, millet is very useful carbohydrate (complex), which is a good product, they can not perform the same operation Energy sources, and a few fats (15% of the daily food).

Fats are needed because they participate in various chemical processes in our bodies. For example vitamins: A, D, E, K They are absorbed in the present along with fat, they are fat soluble, but without it. Fats are involved in the production of various hormones, thus completely eliminating the fat in our diet is impossible! Just do not abuse it.

2-3 liters a day without water is absorbed by the food and chemical process, and is converted to fat and protein (without water), which does not absorb carbohydrates, drinking a lot of uneaten water (except water).

Eat fruits and vegetables, there are many vitamins you need. To build your muscles properly, you need to eat 5-7 times a day. Increase calories (food intake). To start growing, you need to consume about 4000 calories a day.

A very important role is performed by sleep. If you do not fill in at least 8 hours, he needs more time and your body does not have time to recover, it is bad, to sleep at night. Also, the nervous system should be calm, if you feel nervous often, you will not get constant stress, depression, anything you get! Stress in the body produces abnormalities of the hormone cortisol, reducing digestion and promoting the breakdown of proteins into amino acids. What is stress?

Stress is a major energy loss. Thin people with broken metabolism (not getting better) are said to have difficulty making muscles and no help. It is difficult to increase weight, but it is possible. If you do everything you say here, you will get 100%. I checked it myself! Here is a weight gain program that makes it easier if the program is not written correctly. You may not get results.

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