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Monday, May 27, 2019

Top Gym and Productivity Tips

Top Gym and Productivity Tips

Exercise in the gym of San Diego. Beautiful woman full of people Head of a meat head in a gym. A good place to catch a train. I then had a great dinner at Donovan's seafood with my best Armenian friend (Bedros Keuilian).

Fit Athletic is in the top five gyms in the United States. Powerhouse Gym (in Tampa) and Jersey in Renegade Gym are right there. Other great gyms include Results-Fitness at Santa Clarita (gym at Alwyn Cosgrove) and John Alvino gym at Jersey (near Morristown).

Last week I pushed Prowler in Jay Ferruggia's Renegade Gym. I was able to live on the farm. Speaking of Jay, here is one of his articles I always mention about how to do more pullups (check it out).

Top-10-ways-to-improve-your-pull-ups's Facebook QnA

Q1: Sometimes I use the KB Swing (with both hands, single, high pull and alternately) as the finisher. I do 20 seconds in 8 seconds and finish 10, but I do not think of Tabata because there is no way to really do it safely. Would you recommend a finisher and something else? Or is it acceptable?

It's not bad, you're right, it's not a tabata ... it's only 20-10. Switch to 30-30 or 40-20 routines. Please check for more ideas.

Q2: Hi Craig! How do I personally track my daily goals and weekly schedules? Do you prefer pen, paper, whiteboard, or electronically preferred (e.g. Google Calendar)? Which method works best for personal productivity?

I use Word documents. Keep it as simple as possible. Too many people turn planning into a delay.

Q3: Hi Craig. Is it true that you have to stick to a big market or have room for a small niche when you're building a product / affiliate business (like health, business, dating)? I heard it all in two ways. It will depend on your business goals. thank.

There is space for everything. If you want to make $ 10 million a year, you definitely need a small audience that needs more audience or money. If you want to earn $ 100,000 a year, you probably need 1000 customers. What we really need to focus on is to provide the most valuable place in the world and identify ideas that can be used to deliver messages. Once you do that, $ 100K is simple and $ 1Million is possible (in a few years).

Q4: I want to transition my business online. What types of resources can you suggest for building and developing your website? I am currently using Do you want to suggest some school courses in SEO and web design? Or just want to outsource?

Outsourcing everything. Focus on selling and letting others do the rest. It also helps you get started with some materials from Elance,,, and We cover much in the monthly Financial Independence Monthly.

Q5: What is a good way for creative types (writers) to clean their heads between projects? Especially when juggling two or three of the day with the most productive demand for a "clean slate" mind.

Consciousness. For example, when it is time to finish a project and move to another project, do a brain dump (note everything on the head), take a 5-10 minute break, and then just start back the day like a desk. Perhaps as soon as you sit down there will be something you can read about the new topic.

Q6: What is the best way to deal with perfectionism and delays?

The only way to overcome the delay is action. It's really simple. You must start something to finish it. That's all. Painful and frightening, but there is no easy button solution. But they are a smaller problem than real problems. You can overcome it and overcome it, and you will not back you from success.

Q7: I am overwhelmed with everything I want to accomplish in a day, and I am (and as far as I can) not be productive, so I become discouraged with myself. I am really disappointed. I can do much more than I am now achieving.

Start your day with 90 minutes of intensive work on one major project that can have the greatest impact on your life. Congratulate your success. Listen, you have to understand that you stop trying to do a million things and you can not go on that way. Prioritize and attack priorities. Let the little things slip. Try to be better and better in this approach every day. Be sure to go to priority. We must all. We all have no time and are shocked. Focus, Focus, Focus.

Q8: I am looking for the perfect job. The starting process is paralyzed. Do you have any advice to overcome the fact that starting something is not perfect?

Nothing is perfect. God creates the world and look at all the problems here. You will not be able to do better. The sooner you finish, the better. Sorry. If you find any harsh points, you have to let go. You can never reach where you want to go, never, always, if you ask for perfection. Just go out and finish something and get better when you go.

Today's Kicks:

Take action, get out of a comfortable area, and be proud to be closer to your dream business and life. It is your life, and doing the right thing is more important than what others think or say about you. Strong stay. Get stronger.

Many things can be accomplished with a long-term vision and resilience to short-term frustration. Not all problems are conquered overnight, but if you continue and never give up, you will succeed.

"There is an infinite number of new opportunities. Actively find them and make them aware of and utilize them." - Kekich Credo # 68 ... organize your networking activities into day-to-day activities. Build relationships based on your business and your life.

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