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Health And Fitness Tips 4 All

Every Man Will Fit And Healthy

Sunday, June 16, 2019

June 16, 2019

How to increase the beauty of your face

How to increase the beauty of your face

Beauty of the face:
All human beings in different parts of the world seek beautiful skin, a healthy and vibrant youth, but most people care about skin is women. Beauty is an important part of her life, because it shows on her face when she takes care of herself, so she uses many natural recipes So as to ensure the preservation of the beauty of her skin.

Ways to increase facial beauty:
 aesthetic findings:
1: Cleansing the skin: The skin is exposed daily to many dirt, so that the individual can maintain it must be cleaned continuously to show its beauty.
2: Peeling skin: It removes the dead cells on the cow to become more clear.
3: Moisturizing the skin: Moisturizers keep the face moist, and keep it from signs of aging.

Healthy Food:
1:for almonds: Almond contains vitamin H, which protects the skin from the sun, which will ensure her whiteness.
2: Carrots: Carrots contain vitamin A which works to strengthen the look, and purify the skin from pimples.
3:Flaxseeds: Flaxseeds play an important role in clearing the face of signs of aging, because it contains omega-3 acids that make the skin

Natural recipes for facial beauty
Egg mix
The importance of this mixture is concentrated in increasing the beauty and moisture of the skin.

Ingredients   =   Eggs.

How to prepare
1:Separating egg yolk from whiteness.
2: Put egg whites in the mixer to mix well.
3:Put the mixture on the face in a circular way.
4:Leave the mixture on the face until dry
5:Wash the face of the mixture and then wipe it with rose water in order to make it more fresh.

Honey Mix
This mixture cleans the skin and purifies it from pimples.
The ingredients
1:One egg.
2:Spoon of glycerol.
3: Spoon of oatmeal.
4: Spoon of honey.

How to prepare
1:Place the egg in a bowl and stir it well.
2: Place the ingredients over the egg inside the bowl.
3: Mix the ingredients with each other until they hold together.
4: Place the mixture on the face and leave it until dry.
5:Wash the face of the mixture.
6:Continue mixing until the skin becomes white.

Orange Mix
 This mixture works to tighten the face and increase its brightness.
The ingredients
1: eggs.
2: Oatmeal flour
3:Orange sticks.

How to prepare
 1:Mix the ingredients with each other in quantities that match the face.
 2:Mix ingredients well.
3:Place the mixture on the face for a third of an hour.
4:Wash face well.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

June 05, 2019

Walking: "The best sport in the world"

Walking: "The best sport in the world"

If you don't have enough time to exercise and want to stay healthy, what should you do? - Walk.

Do you know what the "world's best sport" is recognized by the World Health Organization? question= What is the most famous sport in the world? The answer is still - walk!

It is estimated that 80 million people participate in walking sports every day in North America! There are 350 hiking clubs in the American Citizens Sports Association and 120 hiking clubs in Switzerland. The British Constitution also clearly stipulates that everyone has the right to walk on foot and advocates a special route for daily hiking.

Eight ways to walk scientifically

1: brisk walking

Suitable crowd: all people

Action essentials: People who don't have time to exercise can walk and exercise at any time on the way to and from work ("walking class"), on the road to shopping, or even during work breaks. Generally, the fitness is 30-60 minutes each time. There is no big time to exercise. You can also walk for 10 minutes each time and add up to 30 minutes of walking every day. Countries such as the United States and Japan suggest that it is best to take 10,000 steps a day to stay healthy; our Ministry of Health recommends that you stay healthy and walk at least 6,000 steps a day!

Walking with fitness is not the kind of "slow step after meal". Here, the fast-going fitness walk refers to walking 5 to 6 kilometers in an hour (about 100 to 120 steps per minute) and 5 to 6 times a week. It is more appropriate to feel asthma when you are walking, but you can still talk.

Exercise effectiveness: prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, blood pressure reduction, prevention of osteoporosis, weight loss, prevention and control of diabetes and many other health benefits.

2: swinging arms striding

Suitable crowd: all people

Action essentials: When walking, try to swing your arms back and forth. The front hand swings the arm as far as possible above the head, and the back swing arm is stretched with the potential. When walking, try to make big strides. The speed of walking varies from man to man. It is best to go to the gas and breathe, and the heartbeat is about 100 times.

Exercise effect: improve heart vitality, strengthen muscles, eliminate fat and reduce weight.

When walking, the arms swing forward and backward greatly, and the heartbeat is easy to accelerate, which can produce good exercise effect on the heart. Moreover, when walking, the upper limbs swing their arms and their legs move forward in a big step, so that the whole body and the muscles and bones move together, so that the purpose of relaxing the muscles and promoting blood circulation can be achieved.

3: clapping up and down

Suitable for the crowd: middle-aged and elderly people, waist, back, shoulder pain

Action essentials: When you walk, both hands first pat the palm of your head, then put your hand behind the back of the buttock, so that you can do it up and down. Generally, follow the footsteps and walk with the palm of your hand. When you walk, try to make great strides.

Exercise effect: relieve shoulder and neck pain, promote blood circulation, reduce stasis, and improve breathing.

When you walk, the upper and lower shots of your hands can fully activate the shoulder joints, the neck and the back, and relieve the strain and soreness of the shoulders and back. Palm slap can strengthen the peripheral blood circulation, so you can achieve the purpose of relaxing the muscles and promoting blood circulation and phlegm. And this kind of hands-lifting activity can also have the effect of expanding the chest.

4: walking in place

Suitable for the crowd: elderly exercisers, injuries and recovery

Action essentials: Lift your legs in the room, indoors or outdoors. If you have the ability, you can raise your thighs and walk with your arms.

Older exercisers and those who recover from injury should pay attention when lifting their legs. The back should be close to the wall to prevent the body from falling back when the legs are raised. People with weak knees and prone to soreness can go slower and do not lift their legs too high.

Exercise: Improve blood circulation, increase leg strength and increase physical strength.

5: cross country pole walking

Suitable crowd: all people

Action essentials: This is a very popular sport in Europe, also known as off-road walking. Walking with two canes, people can participate in the movement of the limbs while walking. Cross-country walking is more effective than walking, and it is safer than jogging. It is an upgraded version of walking.

Exercise function: protect the knee joint during exercise, enhance heart function and improve fitness efficiency. Because the upper limbs participate in the activity, the strength can be enhanced during walking, and the heart rate is increased by 5-17 beats/min than the average walking, but it does not feel tired. Using the cane to exercise the upper limbs, shoulders, neck, back and other parts, you can consume 20% -46% of calories, so there is a weight loss effect, especially the loss of visceral fat, waist and belly.

6: go up and down the stairs

Appropriate people: healthy people with no old injuries in the lower limbs

Action essentials: Stairs are a new way to exercise. Keep your upper body upright when you climb the stairs, focus on your legs and feet, don't tilt your body or move your body forward. It is advisable to climb the stairs to slow down. One step per second, the speed should be even, so as not to feel the obvious tension and effort. When you climb the stairs to exercise, you can step on the steps one step at a time, and you can climb two steps or even three levels. One step at a time and one step at a time can exercise different muscles in the legs.

Exercise: It can consume body fat, enhance heart and lung function, strengthen leg strength and prevent osteoporosis.

7: go backwards

Suitable for people: people of all ages with barrier-free movements, especially for those with low back pain

Action essentials: The calf drives the thighs, and the small steps go backwards; the back and neck are straight. When you go backwards, you must concentrate on your eyes, look around your eyes, and grasp the basic situation of the road behind you. This activity is perfect for those who are not suitable for strenuous exercise. If you take a step backward after taking other exercise exercises, it will also help to adjust your mood and promote the natural recovery of your body fatigue.

Exercise effect: improve the strength of the back muscles, improve the symptoms of low back pain; improve their own balance ability; enhance the muscle strength of the legs; increase the energy consumption of exercise.

When walking backwards, the waist is straight or slightly reclined, and the spine and back muscles will withstand more force than usual, which can improve the blood circulation in the waist, so that the spine and back muscles that are not fully active when walking forward are exercised. It can prevent hunchback and treat low back pain. Therefore, it is good for those who are walking backwards, whether they are working for a teenager, working at a desk or studying, or chronic low back pain in the elderly.

8: walking in the water

Appropriate people: all people; especially old and frail, with legs and joints injured

Action essentials: a wide range of applications for walking in the water. Regardless of whether you are a man or a girl, whether you are swimming or not, you can basically try it. Walking in the water, you can walk in a variety of positions: walking, walking, walking sideways; striding, breaking, stepping, jumping... When walking in the water, the two arms can be paddling in the water or floating on the water. , swing arm, arm and other movements, so that these muscle groups can be effectively exercised.

Exercise effect: protect the knee joint, enhance heart function and improve fitness efficiency.

Compared with land walking, walking in the water has to overcome greater resistance, so it is more effective in exercising muscle strength and internal organ function. The average person walks 3-5 minutes at a frequency of 1 step per second in the water to the waist. The heart rate can reach 70%-85% of the maximum heart rate, and the respiratory rate is more than double that of quiet. The overall response is no less than land. jogging. Walking in the water is very resistant, and the energy consumed is much larger than that when walking on land. It is not only beneficial to the body, but also consumes excess fat and has a good weight loss effect.

Although walking in the water is more laborious than walking on the land, the buoyancy of the water makes the knee joint load small, but the range of motion is large, and the muscles and tendons around the knee joint can be fully stretched. Therefore, walking in the water is not easy to cause damage to the lower limbs, and it is one of the rehabilitation methods for patients with mild injuries. Walking in the water can also exercise balance and balance.

Monday, May 27, 2019

May 27, 2019

Top Gym and Productivity Tips

Top Gym and Productivity Tips

Exercise in the gym of San Diego. Beautiful woman full of people Head of a meat head in a gym. A good place to catch a train. I then had a great dinner at Donovan's seafood with my best Armenian friend (Bedros Keuilian).

Fit Athletic is in the top five gyms in the United States. Powerhouse Gym (in Tampa) and Jersey in Renegade Gym are right there. Other great gyms include Results-Fitness at Santa Clarita (gym at Alwyn Cosgrove) and John Alvino gym at Jersey (near Morristown).

Last week I pushed Prowler in Jay Ferruggia's Renegade Gym. I was able to live on the farm. Speaking of Jay, here is one of his articles I always mention about how to do more pullups (check it out).

Top-10-ways-to-improve-your-pull-ups's Facebook QnA

Q1: Sometimes I use the KB Swing (with both hands, single, high pull and alternately) as the finisher. I do 20 seconds in 8 seconds and finish 10, but I do not think of Tabata because there is no way to really do it safely. Would you recommend a finisher and something else? Or is it acceptable?

It's not bad, you're right, it's not a tabata ... it's only 20-10. Switch to 30-30 or 40-20 routines. Please check for more ideas.

Q2: Hi Craig! How do I personally track my daily goals and weekly schedules? Do you prefer pen, paper, whiteboard, or electronically preferred (e.g. Google Calendar)? Which method works best for personal productivity?

I use Word documents. Keep it as simple as possible. Too many people turn planning into a delay.

Q3: Hi Craig. Is it true that you have to stick to a big market or have room for a small niche when you're building a product / affiliate business (like health, business, dating)? I heard it all in two ways. It will depend on your business goals. thank.

There is space for everything. If you want to make $ 10 million a year, you definitely need a small audience that needs more audience or money. If you want to earn $ 100,000 a year, you probably need 1000 customers. What we really need to focus on is to provide the most valuable place in the world and identify ideas that can be used to deliver messages. Once you do that, $ 100K is simple and $ 1Million is possible (in a few years).

Q4: I want to transition my business online. What types of resources can you suggest for building and developing your website? I am currently using Do you want to suggest some school courses in SEO and web design? Or just want to outsource?

Outsourcing everything. Focus on selling and letting others do the rest. It also helps you get started with some materials from Elance,,, and We cover much in the monthly Financial Independence Monthly.

Q5: What is a good way for creative types (writers) to clean their heads between projects? Especially when juggling two or three of the day with the most productive demand for a "clean slate" mind.

Consciousness. For example, when it is time to finish a project and move to another project, do a brain dump (note everything on the head), take a 5-10 minute break, and then just start back the day like a desk. Perhaps as soon as you sit down there will be something you can read about the new topic.

Q6: What is the best way to deal with perfectionism and delays?

The only way to overcome the delay is action. It's really simple. You must start something to finish it. That's all. Painful and frightening, but there is no easy button solution. But they are a smaller problem than real problems. You can overcome it and overcome it, and you will not back you from success.

Q7: I am overwhelmed with everything I want to accomplish in a day, and I am (and as far as I can) not be productive, so I become discouraged with myself. I am really disappointed. I can do much more than I am now achieving.

Start your day with 90 minutes of intensive work on one major project that can have the greatest impact on your life. Congratulate your success. Listen, you have to understand that you stop trying to do a million things and you can not go on that way. Prioritize and attack priorities. Let the little things slip. Try to be better and better in this approach every day. Be sure to go to priority. We must all. We all have no time and are shocked. Focus, Focus, Focus.

Q8: I am looking for the perfect job. The starting process is paralyzed. Do you have any advice to overcome the fact that starting something is not perfect?

Nothing is perfect. God creates the world and look at all the problems here. You will not be able to do better. The sooner you finish, the better. Sorry. If you find any harsh points, you have to let go. You can never reach where you want to go, never, always, if you ask for perfection. Just go out and finish something and get better when you go.

Today's Kicks:

Take action, get out of a comfortable area, and be proud to be closer to your dream business and life. It is your life, and doing the right thing is more important than what others think or say about you. Strong stay. Get stronger.

Many things can be accomplished with a long-term vision and resilience to short-term frustration. Not all problems are conquered overnight, but if you continue and never give up, you will succeed.

"There is an infinite number of new opportunities. Actively find them and make them aware of and utilize them." - Kekich Credo # 68 ... organize your networking activities into day-to-day activities. Build relationships based on your business and your life.

May 27, 2019

How to increase mass. How to increase muscle mass

How to increase mass. How to increase muscle mass

How do men gain weight?
Women always preferred strong men! And modern women are no exception! Who would want a thin person who can not protect his cardiac mania? Sometimes the question of how to increase a person's weight becomes an unanswerable task for many who have failed genetics. Yes, unfortunately, it is natural, nature can forsake its own way, someone can gain weight without problems and no one gets it. Despite all that effort.

The male body is designed to be able to process and assimilate more food than women, and in sufficient ways to achieve higher body weight than women without intensive training. In short, if a woman needs to relax a little and increase calories, she will accumulate instantly in the form of body fat in the waist, abdomen and thighs. At this time, males are not growing larger body fat, but more uniform weight gain. top. This rule applies to people who are healthy and fair.

Our beloved man, you want to get an outstanding boomer or round shoulder, rather, it is about getting muscle mass. Of course, many people are immediately running and waiting for a few hours. Give the gym a miraculous "scene for a set" or listen to the pumped friend of a dubious person. Sports nutrition. Such "helper" is used almost everywhere. I do not think you need to mention the "amateur chemist" professional site and other public information.

If your goal is to increase your weight quickly, it is worth considering that the weight gain of men and women is largely dependent on genetics and mode.

For men, muscle mass is the first rule! This is like a "storage point" because you simply can not give anything by absorbing calories. Calories are coming and going.

If you sleep for 8 to 9 hours a day, you can not get the weekly rest, load replacement, proper nutrition (like most men, if you eat 1-2 minutes a day, a few minutes of food, you can not get muscle mass. Massive parts are not well absorbed and muscles will starve to death.) And separate training - best friends.

Here we will talk more about nutrition:
Discard semi-finished products. It is important to use high quality protein. At least two servings of meat or fish should have 2-3 servings of egg whites and 5-9% fat daily at the table. The meal interval is about 3 hours.

Weight gain due to increased muscle mass is due to training in the gym (more than three times a week the duration of the exercise should be about 40-45 minutes) and you should consume enough carbohydrates, fat and useful micro-elements Vitamins, amino acids and L-glutamine. Drink water at least 2 liter daily. You can drink protein and protein cocktails before you go to sleep.

The most effective additive muscle mass is creatine and glutamine. Creatine increases endurance and muscle energy, and glutamine improves the immune system and strengthens defense. This supplement specialist is recommended to take with high carbohydrate drinks after training. It is a good idea to ask your trainer for help. The trainer tells you how to get the workout right so it does not harm you.

Limit the consumption of foods rich in animals and other saturated fats (fat, lard, margarine, butter, sausage, etc.). Because the body mainly uses carbohydrates for muscle growth and energy production, most of the fat in excess of nutrients is accumulated in fat cells (fat cells).

Avoid ingestion of hard (baked goods, bakery products - the most dangerous fast carbohydrates), less dangerous (such as baked goods, sweet fruit). Fast carbohydrates can be absorbed very quickly from the digestive tract. As a result, the sugar content of blood increases sharply. As a result, the body converts glucose to fat.

Fast carbohydrates can be taken after training, when muscles and other organs can quickly utilize glucose, and increase insulin secretion, an important muscle-strengthening hormone for muscle strengthening.

Partial power:
When muscle mass is collected, the amount of food should be about the same, but in the first half of the month before 4 pm, about 70% of all food should be consumed.

Do not eat sweet or fat at night. The food you eat is easy to absorb and rich in protein and is suitable for dairy, vegetables (beans and other), poultry meat, salads, eggs and fish for this purpose.

Pre-training food:
Eating before exercise (2 hours before the start of exercise). For this purpose, products containing low carbohydrates such as cereals, flour, and vegetables are good. Pre-training carbohydrates are needed to load glycogen stores and provide energy to muscles and brains during training.

Food after exercise:
The most extensive meal should be 20-30 minutes after training and should be 1-1.5 hours after training if you are eating carbohydrate protein cocktail (geyner) shortly after training. Include foods rich in protein and slow carbohydrates. You can eat small amounts. Fast carbohydrates (sweet). After training, the so-called protein-carbohydrate window opens, during which time the body absorbs many nutrients are used to restore muscle and supplement energy.

Muscle mass begins to grow only when the amount of energy entering the food form exceeds the amount of energy consumed by the body. Also, the body must always try to maintain homeostasis, so you can increase the calorie content of your diet by 5, 10, and even 30% while your weight remains unchanged! Sometimes you need to increase your daily caloric intake by 50% or 100% to move the mass from the "dead point"!

You need to follow simple techniques to determine the amount of food you need to gain muscle mass.

Gradually increase calorie intake until weight gain starts at 600-800 g per week. The smaller the increase, the more you need to eat, and vice versa.

To do this, you must weigh your weight at least once every three days. Within a month you can adjust your speed. Do not exceed more than 800 grams per week. Otherwise your body will begin to peel off a lot!

What are the menus that are needed to gain muscle mass, nevertheless? Let's take a closer look.

Protein products:
1. Meat - low fat. Poultry meat is preferred because it is easily digested without actually containing fat.

2. Fish and other seafood. Fish can eat anything, including fat.

3. Dairy products. Prefer low-fat foods. The most popular are cottage cheese, cheese, kefir, milk and yogurt.

Carbohydrate products:

1. Grain products:

Cassie. Spores contain slowly digestible carbohydrates, proteins, trace elements and vitamins. The healthiest grains: buckwheat, pearl barley, oatmeal, rice, millet, corn, wheat.
Macaroni and noodles. Prefer products made from thick wheat and durum wheat.
Bread Mainly eats black bread.
Cereal and muesli can vary the menu.

2. Vegetables and mushrooms:

The most popular vegetables are potatoes. From it you can cook more than 100 dishes. The potato contains a lot of starch and is slowly absorbed. Unfortunately, to avoid digestive problems, the amount of vegetables must be limited. Mushrooms are popular as a product in general, but they are very useful.


Pistachios, walnuts, hazelnuts, apricot seeds, peanuts, etc.

4. Fruits and vegetables.

Extremely Healthy Products Contains many vitamins and minerals. However, fruits have many simple sugars and great content fibers can be overloaded in the digestive system. Banana and mango are best absorbed.

It is necessary to use a small amount of vegetable oil as an important source of fat seafood.

Many people think you are engaged in more holes, you can get the weight of the muscle (pumping) quickly, you want the painter, but this is not true ubezhdenie.Tak you can lose more weight on the contrary! You do not have time to recover your body, strong physical activity and you get tired! How to make a muscle lump? For a set of muscle lumps, go to the gym three times a week, and two times better if the genetics are bad!

For example, once on Monday and once on Thursday. When you go to the gym, you must have a good job (100% committed)! 50-70 minutes in the true sense of the word is not needed anymore, the training should be very intense but not long. To gain muscle mass, you must have a proper training program and include it in your program. On the weight set you need to do 6 to 8 reps, no more!

After exercise, the body is very exhausted, the process of catabolism began to eat, the body itself restored "to use for their use as an amino acid protein (muscle) to decompose and began to use, all the reserves of glycogen in the muscle immediately Carbohydrates (fast) need to eat fuel ". The next two days you should eat a lot and rest, you can not do manual labor. Your muscles grow at this time, so you do not need to load your muscles with physical strength, as some do.

You need to eat lots of foods that contain natural protein protein: cheese, milk, cheese, eggs, meat fat, fish), but no more than 20 to 30 grams of dietary protein. Because I will not learn more and more! If you eat at one more time, the rest will go to the toilet, present gift products and transfer your money.

Just as you recommend carbohydrates, you need to eat lots of carbohydrates to get muscle mass: buckwheat, oatmeal, millet is very useful carbohydrate (complex), which is a good product, they can not perform the same operation Energy sources, and a few fats (15% of the daily food).

Fats are needed because they participate in various chemical processes in our bodies. For example vitamins: A, D, E, K They are absorbed in the present along with fat, they are fat soluble, but without it. Fats are involved in the production of various hormones, thus completely eliminating the fat in our diet is impossible! Just do not abuse it.

2-3 liters a day without water is absorbed by the food and chemical process, and is converted to fat and protein (without water), which does not absorb carbohydrates, drinking a lot of uneaten water (except water).

Eat fruits and vegetables, there are many vitamins you need. To build your muscles properly, you need to eat 5-7 times a day. Increase calories (food intake). To start growing, you need to consume about 4000 calories a day.

A very important role is performed by sleep. If you do not fill in at least 8 hours, he needs more time and your body does not have time to recover, it is bad, to sleep at night. Also, the nervous system should be calm, if you feel nervous often, you will not get constant stress, depression, anything you get! Stress in the body produces abnormalities of the hormone cortisol, reducing digestion and promoting the breakdown of proteins into amino acids. What is stress?

Stress is a major energy loss. Thin people with broken metabolism (not getting better) are said to have difficulty making muscles and no help. It is difficult to increase weight, but it is possible. If you do everything you say here, you will get 100%. I checked it myself! Here is a weight gain program that makes it easier if the program is not written correctly. You may not get results.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

May 25, 2019

How To make Potato stewed beef Recipe at home

How to make Potato stewed beef Recipe at home

Potato stewed beef originated from a traditional dish of the name "Gulahi" in Hungary and was later introduced to the Soviet Union. This dish is connected with xxism by the Hulu brothers, so the potato goulash has become synonymous with the good days of xxism, and the potato stewed beef is xxism. It seems that we have entered the xxist society in advance. Oh...


Beef (burdock)      =1000g
Potato                    =2
Onion                     = 2
Tomatoes               = 4
Carrot                    =1
Onion ginger
Soy sauce, cooking wine,          =1 tablespoon each
Vinegar, sugar                           =1 tsp
Tomato sauce,                           =black pepper

Potato stewed beef practice:

1: The beef is chopped in a cold water pot for 2 minutes, and the whole process is cleaned with warm water.

2: Wash and cut the ingredients, (potato in a bucket of water) for use.

3: Put the oil in the pan and heat it. Stir-fry the beef first, cook the soy sauce, cooking wine and a teaspoon of white vinegar.

4: Then go on the onion tomatoes, sprinkle a spoonful of sugar and continue to stir fry.

5: Squeeze the tomato sauce (more squeezed), and then grind some peppercorns and stir well.

6: Put onion ginger, pour enough hot water, burn for 20 minutes in a large fire and cook for about 1 hour.

7: Put the potatoes and carrots in the pan before cooking and add salt.

8: Wait until the meat is rotten, the soup is thick and can be seasoned out.

9: It is rich in nutrients, attractive in color, and a dish that is very tasty.

Beef should choose the part of the burd of burdock, which is very tender and not good. Wash with warm water after drowning. If you use cold water to stimulate beef, it is not easy to simmer.
May 25, 2019

How to make Delicious rice cooker cake at home

How to make Delicious rice cooker cake at home

Both adults and children like to eat soft, sweet and sweet cakes, but now many bad businesses add unqualified additives that are harmful to the body, so for the health of the family, it is better to do it at home, no need for an oven. As long as a rice cooker is enough, it is very simple.

Eggs 6

Milk 100g

White sugar 90g

Low-gluten flour/cake powder 100g

Edible oil 60g

The practice of eating rice cakes that are not cooked on fire:

1: Ingredients: 6 eggs, 100 grams of milk, 90 grams of sugar, 100g of low-gluten flour / cake powder, 60 grams of cooking oil

2: Separation of egg white, introduce 60g edible oil into the egg yolk, stir evenly
3: Add 45 grams of white sugar to the stirred egg yolk solution and mix well.
Add 100g of low-gluten flour/cake powder and stir until smooth and free of particles.

4: The egg white is evenly stirred, and the remaining 45g of sugar is added to the egg white in 3 times, and is sent to the image as a picture with a whisk.

5: Brush the rice cooker liner with cooking oil, spread the raisins, cover the lid, select the heat preservation mode, and preheat for 5 minutes.

6: Pour half of the egg white paste into the egg yolk paste, stir well, then pour all the egg yolk paste into the remaining egg white paste and mix well.

7: Pour all the stirred paste into the rice cooker. You can add a few jujubes (you can also replace the cranberry, etc.) and choose the steaming function. Choose 45 minutes.

8: After the completion, pour out the cake, cut into small pieces, you can mix with yogurt / milk, make breakfast, very delicious!

9: Especially for children to eat, do not have additives, do not worry!