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Friday, May 17, 2019

What will happen if you do the bar every day

What will happen if you do the bar every day?

Do you want to put your body in order, but you do not have time or desire to regularly attend the gym? Then the plank is exactly what you need! What is a strap? This is one of the most simple, effective and practical exercises with its own weight. To do the bar, you do not need to spend a lot of effort, and the result in the near future will pleasantly surprise you. What will happen if you do the bar every day? Now find out!

1. The sense of balance will develop

Try again and again to stand on one leg as long as possible. How long have you got to do this? A couple of seconds? Half a minute? If you do the bar every day, you can significantly strengthen the muscles of the abdominal cavity and develop a sense of balance. A developed sense of balance allows you to: perform complex movements. You can easily perform complex weightlifting and gymnastic movements, engage in snowboarding, surfing, figure skating, professionally ride a bicycle, etc .; keep from falling and react with lightning speed if you slip or stumble; overcome age-related changes. The older a person becomes, the harder it becomes to maintain a sense of balance. Do the bar every day and very soon you will notice that your sense of balance is actively developing.

2. Metabolism will accelerate during

performing body lifts, twisting and other classic exercises for the press, you will burn fewer calories than during the exercise of the plank. If every day you give a bar for just a few minutes, then after a while you will be surprised to notice that those extra pounds start to disappear without a trace. The implementation of the bar normalizes and speeds up the metabolism. And people who are okay with their metabolism, very rarely gain excess weight. If your metabolism is normal, your body will burn calories not only during the day, but at night. If you want to lose weight, every day, do the bar, give up high-calorie foods, lead an active lifestyle, get rid of bad habits.

3. Muscles of the bark strengthened thanks to the muscles

the cortex provides support to the internal organs, an ideal posture is formed, and lower back injuries are minimized. If you daily do the bar, the bark muscles will become much stronger. The following core muscle groups of the cortex are involved in the process of performing the plank: the buttocks give an attractive profile and support the back; rectus muscle - contributes to the appearance of a beautiful press ("cubes"), makes you more enduring and bouncy; transverse muscle - allows you to lift a lot of weight; oblique muscles - make the possibility of twisting in the waist and lateral tilt wider.

4. Posture will improve The stronger and stronger you have

bark muscles, the more perfect your posture. The fact is that the state of the waist, back, shoulders, neck directly depends on the state of the muscles of the cortex. If you make the bar every day, your bark muscles will harden and support your spine much better. Very soon you will become the owner of the royal posture! Dissatisfaction with yourself and your body will disappear. You do not like your body? Do you want to make it more slender and fit? We must act! To change the situation for the better, make the bar every day! Your attitude to the body and yourself as a person will change radically. Do not believe? Just take 10-15 minutes to practice, and a pleasant result will not take long!

5. Flexibility will develop, condition of the joints and  bones

 bones will improve Thanks to the strap, you can stretch: rear muscle groups (collarbone, shoulders, shoulder blades); arm muscles; thigh muscles; leg muscles; muscle stop. The fact is that the plank is a strength exercise, in which you use your own weight to weight. After training you will be much easier to bend in different directions. Doing the bar every day, you give the optimal load on the joints and bones that are attached to the above muscles, so that they are not only strengthened, but also actively restored.

6. The body's energy consumption will decrease

 The implementation of the strap does not take much of your time. Therefore, after such a simple but effective workout, you will not feel tired and exhausted.
You can make the bar not only in the morning or afternoon, but in the evening. If you have had a hard working day, then this exercise will not only take away your last strength, but also give you a charge of cheerfulness.

7. All muscles will tighten if you want

tighten the body and do the workout of all muscle groups, the strap is exactly what you really need! This exercise is both the least time consuming and very effective. Doing the classic bar on a daily basis, you noticeably tighten the muscles of the priests, hands and the press. A slanting plank has a beneficial effect on the muscles of the thighs and legs, it helps to make the waist several centimeters longer.

8. Immunity strengthened Autumn and winter

"Famous" for colds. If you want to strengthen your immunity and help the body become more resistant to seasonal diseases, then do not be lazy to spend 10-15 minutes every day to complete the bar. Planck is an excellent alternative and / or supplement to the intake of vitamin-mineral complexes.

9. Discipline will improve If you will

every day do the bar, then your self-discipline will noticeably improve. After some time, you will be surprised to notice that you are no longer late and you have more free time. The daily exercise of the bar has a beneficial effect not only on your body, but also on self-discipline. Try it and see for yourself!

10. The risk of injury to the spine and back

decreases If you want to build muscle, but do not want to give a load on the hips and back, the slat is the best option for you! American experts of the Council for Physical Education claim that the daily bar will not only make the muscles stronger and stronger, but also help relieve back pains to people who already experience them.
The bar provides reliable support for the upper back, so the risk of injury to the back and spine is minimized.

11. Mood Improves Planck Soothes

nervous system and improves mood. Why? In the process of doing the plank, the muscles that accumulate tension and stress in the body stretch and become lighter. If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, constantly experiencing stress and nervous tension, the muscles begin to bend and "grow heavy." Because of this, posture deteriorates, because we constantly slouch. Performing the bar every day, you calm your nerves, get rid of bad thoughts and depression, forget about excess anxiety.


How to facilitate the implementation of the strap?

To make the plan easier to implement, use the advice of experts and
Use a timer or clock with a second hand. When doing the bar, you need to breathe so that the navel is as close as possible to the spine. To count the time at this point is very difficult. Therefore, do not forget to put a clock with a second hand or a timer in a prominent place; do it with music. Favorite music can work wonders! While you listen to your favorite songs, you will not notice how the workout will come to an end; think good While standing in the bar, think about the fact that every second your body becomes younger, slimmer, stronger. Or make a wish and tell yourself that it will come true only if you stand in the bar for so many minutes. Planck is a really perfect exercise for the whole body. But you will notice the results only when you make the bar every day. Do not be lazy to spend 5-10 minutes a day on this simple exercise, if you want to have a healthy, strong, slim body and good mood!