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Saturday, May 18, 2019

Three-step training to perfect the six-pack!

Three-step training to perfect the six-pack!

One-Six Pack Program

Except for the genetic component, pizza was not from Venezuela. No, this abs was made in 100% America. During puberty, I learned how to make abs by consuming pizza while concentrating on exercising to get rid of the pain of not being able to assimilate with friends and bullying. If you are very diligent and experience the same emotions that you have experienced during your pizza growing up, you will learn a few ways to make a slim abs. The following three exercises are customized pizzas tailored to all skill levels. Let's do each exercise as much or as much as we want, and make a perfect Six Pack.

The following circuit-based exercises move the abdomen in and out to help a wide range of abdominal exercises. Flank-based exercises focus on the deeper abdominal muscles, and when the muscles work properly, they hold the rectus muscle closer to the spine and make the waist thin. Lack of rest has an effect on maintaining posture and moving forward.

Stage 1

■ Difficulty: Easy

■ Frequency: Twice a week

■ Round: 3 times

Repeat motion / time
Crunch 30 seconds
Bicycle crunch 30 seconds
Flank 30 seconds
Flank with kick-through 30 seconds
Crunchy with Russian Twist 30 seconds
Nylon Superman Weed Cross Body Crunch 30 seconds (each side)
Let 's rest for 75 seconds between circuits.

Crunchy with Russian Twist

Lay your back on the floor and bend your knees 90 degrees. Let's crunch and climb up your arms. Then the shoulders fall off the floor. Then twist your upper body in one direction. Lower your back to the floor.
Repeat on the other side.

Nylon Superman With Cross - Body Crunch
Hold your table with your arms and legs on the floor. The back should spread straight. Crunch your abdomen and move your right arm and left knee toward each other to touch each other. Let the right arm and left knee reach for one second
. Repeat on the other side.

2 parking program

These eight action circuits are considered to be the beginning of the pain. When you are doing this session, you increase the frequency and duration of your workout with pizzas and cause your muscles to burn strongly. This way, growth can not be achieved. If you want to run the program once more after one round, increase the execution time of each action to 45 seconds and proceed again.

Step 2

■ Difficulty: Medium

■ Frequency: 3 to 4 times a week

■ Round: 4 times

Repeat motion / time
Stability Ball Flank 30 seconds
Twisted side flank 30 seconds
Kettlebell Sidebend 30 seconds (on both sides)
App Wheel Rollout 30 seconds
Stability Ball Bicycle Crunch 30 sec
30 seconds of medical training
Medicin Boss Side Crunch 30 seconds (each side)
Stability Ball Chin 30 seconds
Let 's rest for 60 seconds between circuits.

Stability Ball Flank

Let's sit on the stability ball and sit on the flank. You can put your forearm on the ball. Let's keep the flank posture for 30 seconds with the core.

Kettlebell sidebend
Let's call Kedle Bell in one hand. Let's bend the upper body with one side while keeping the chest up. Let 's lower her body until she' s below knee height and lift her back. After 30 seconds,
Let's repeat this.

Stability ball jaw
Put your feet on the floor with your hands and put your feet on the stability ball to get the flank position. Let's bend the knees as much as possible using the core.

App Wheel Rollout

Put your knees on the floor and hold the handle of the rollout mechanism with both hands. Keep your back straight, your elbows slightly bent. Let's move the appliance as far as possible.

Stability Ball Pike

Put your feet on the stability ball and keep your flank position. Stay for a few seconds, then straighten your legs, lift your hips and bring your feet toward you. This is one iteration.

Flank's Richie

Let's rotate the upper body to one side in the flank posture. You can move your feet slightly to balance. Keep your upper arms comfortable and lift them as far as the ceiling.

Three-Six Pack Program
Rome did not happen overnight. The same is true for abs with pizza. You have to train 4-5 days a week with this program. The effect of this program starts from the TUT (constant time constant intensity).

Step 3

■ Difficulty: High

■ Frequency: Up to 5 times a week

■ Round: 5 times

Repeat motion / time
Stability Ball 1 - Leg Tooth 45 seconds
Stability Ball Pike 45 seconds
Reverse Kettlebell Lunge 45 seconds
App Wheel Rollout 45 seconds
45 seconds of medical training
Flank with riches 45 seconds
Medicin Ballside Crunch 45 sec
Let 's rest for 45 seconds between circuits.
Reverse Kettlebell Lunge

Let's take the kettlebell with both hands. Keep your chest lifted up and stretch one leg back. The thighs of the front legs can be stretched until they are parallel to the floor. Repeat on the other side.

One-touch legato

Let's lie on the stability ball with the abdomen facing the ceiling. Place both hands behind your head. Let one foot stretch out completely. At the same time, the other arm extends and touches each other. Repeat on the other side. Repeat for a given time.

Stability Ball Bicycle Crunch

Let's lie back on the stability ball. Place both hands behind your head. Crunch the abdomen to raise the upper body, let the left knee and right elbow move toward each other. Almost reach it. Repeat on the other side.

Medicine ball set

Lay your back on the floor and kneel your knees 90 degrees. Hold your medicine ball in both hands and stretch it long. Let's lift the upper body. Keep your feet firmly on the floor and slowly lower your upper body to the floor.

Medicine Ballside Crunch

Lay your back on the floor and lift the medicine ball over your head with one hand. Put the other hand down comfortably on the floor. Crunch up the upper body on the side with the medicine ball. After about half of the given time, repeat the opposite.

Five tips for Six Pack

Let's refine your abdomen with a nutrition strategy that Marian Walsh, a certified nutritionist, will tell you.

1 Be aware of "health food" that does not help your health

"Foods such as juice juice, asai balls, and granola contain healthy ingredients, but most also contain a lot of sugar and they provide a lot of calories in small amounts," Walsh says. "It is important to avoid frequent ingestion of these foods and to adjust the amount."

2 Do not depend on aerobic

"Muscle strength helps maintain good muscles, and solid muscles are more active in metabolism than fat," says Walsh. "Because of that, muscle strength continues to consume calories after exercise and is more effective in shaping the body."

3 Record what you eat

It may sound boring at first, but recording your food intake through your application is a shortcut to success. "We usually underestimate our daily intake. The tracking application allows us to be aware of everything we eat and drink, and it helps us to measure whether all the food we eat meets our diet goals, "Walsh says. "There are a lot of good applications, so pick one that best suits your lifestyle and cost."

4 Let's get enough

"Sleep deprivation hinders appetite control and destroys physical strength and mental strength," Walsh says. "Also, if you stay awake late, you will usually be consuming calories over the recommended daily intake in the late hours." Let Netflix and social media go one hour earlier than usual. "It will help deep sleep."

5 Get the fiber right

"We often see customers who are obsessed with fiber. If you take too much fiber, you can have symptoms of swelling, constipation, and abdominal bloating, "Walsh says. "Many nutrient bars, snacks, and protein powders contain a lot of extra fiber." Let 's look for names like "roots chicory", "fructooligosaccharides" and "inulin", which are common fiber sources. They are probiotics and can be taken naturally and safely. But some people can cause symptoms of excessive gas and swelling.

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